Ever been so overwhelmed that you know you need to hire another person for your accounting firm, but the thought of finding enough time to create a job post, get enough applicants, interview and train someone leaves you in a state of analysis paralysis?

For starters, you are not alone if you feel this way.

Two, there is a better way to hire. And it doesn’t involve “renting a team” from a BPO or hoping a great candidate with both the right attitude and skillset magically appears. 

In this guide, we’re sharing how hiring team members from The Philippines can be the solution to this pesky problem along with the exact process that Isaac used to build his team of bookkeepers for his bookkeeping business. 

Why hire direct?

The best accounting talent have plenty of opportunities. They certainly don't need to work for a BPO. So, you have to attract them. 

If you want to attract the best talent, you need to hire direct and spend time marketing to them why they should work for your firm.

A step-by-step guide for hiring accountants and bookkeepers 

Here’s the original approach that I used when I built my team for my bookkeeping business.  

Write the job ad

Most accounting firms make the mistake of following a standard approach to job postings, which does not stand out and only attracts mediocre candidates.

Instead, take the time to craft a personalized job description. 

  • What makes your firm unique?
  • What do you have to offer (in growth opportunities)?
  • What are your values?
  • What is your culture?
  • What would the most ideal person for this role be like (personality/character)?

Your job description should read like a sales letter to your perfect candidate. It is about presenting a compelling vision for what they’ll do and why they should join your accounting firm.

This is how you get a ton of applicants who are applying to work for your firm and not just any firm. 

Promote your job ad 

So, how do you get the ideal person to see it? You post the sales letter across multiple job boards and platforms. 

When I did my own recruiting, I would manually invite 200-300 people so that I’d have enough qualified applicants to result in a great hire.

Vet all of your candidates 

When you have hundreds of applicants, you can’t talk to them all. That’s where having a good screening process comes in handy.

In fact, I didn’t talk to candidates until they completed the job application. This application should include everything you’d want to know at first glance from experience to education. You’ll also want to set quality standards ahead of time so you can quickly filter out all of the candidates who don’t match these criteria.  

Pro Tip: Don’t ghost candidates. Write templated emails to reject (nicely) those who failed the initial application. 

Then, you want to run your candidates through a skills assessment. So, find a test or make one, that tests them on the skills they'll need. There are plenty of online accounting tests out there.

Again, we recommend using templated emails to let people know they've passed or failed.

At this point, you're confident that you're talking only to candidates who have the skills to do the job. 

Make an offer to your dream candidate 

At this point, you should have completed at least 5-10 interviews with the top candidates. 

If you don't have those numbers, keep going. Don’t settle for good enough. 

Then, you can make an offer to your top candidate. 

All in all, this entire process typically takes around a month (sometimes 2-3 months), depending on the role you're hiring for.

Hire top accounting talent with TeamUp 

Of course, you might be thinking, that's a lot of work.

And you're right. It is a lot of work. But if you want a good result, someone has to do it.

This is what we do at TeamUp. 

My professional recruiting team has an even more dialed-in and detailed process and can deliver a fantastic candidate to you.

It all starts with a discovery call, where we get to know you, your team, your firm’s culture, how you interact with clients, the problems you are solving, and get clear on the role(s) you are looking to fill along with any specific requirements.

One reason we spend so much time learning about you and your team is we hire for attitude and skills, not just skills. Our team puts a lot of energy into getting that part right.

We recruit talent for a one-time flat price. Simple, easy, and you'll never pay an ongoing fee to us. Click here for our pricing.

If you'd like to talk about how we can help, join one of our free daily small group calls and we'll walk you through it.

Written By
Isaac Smith
Isaac has been building businesses since 2014. He sold an eCommerce business in 2019, co-founded Summit eCommerce Advisors - a bookkeeping and advisory firm, TeamUp - a recruiting business, and hosts the Next Level eCommerce podcast. He lives in the Portland, Oregon area, where he loves snowboarding with his daughter and trying to convince his wife to do outdoorsy things.
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